Getting Started with Storage – Part I

Getting started with storage can be daunting sometimes, especially during stressful times of life. But we put together a handy little guide to help alleviate some of the stress.

First Things First

Be choosy when it comes to your storage company

Check reviews. Look at what sizes and what types of units they offer. Make sure they are convenient and have the open hours that work for you.

Plan ahead

The perfect unit for you may not be available last minute. Look at size, price, and convenience factor when it comes to picking a place and plan ahead to get the best fit for your needs.

Make a list

Put together a list of what you are planning on storing. This will help you decide what size unit will work for you and it is a great start to staying organized through the storage process.

Packing the Unit

Label, label, label the boxes

Future you will thank you profusely. You can label the outside of the box but also have a packing list inside it as well. Don’t rely on your memory, especially during busy or stressful times, to remember where you put that thing.

Pack strategically

Put the things you need to access more often in the front. Use the unit height to your advantage and stack vertically to maximize the space. Don’t forget to leave a pathway!

Protect items

Even if you think something will likely be fine, better safe than sorry. Cover furniture with blankets and moving pads. Minimize the use of plastic, which can cause mildew and mold with some items. Box up the smaller items and pack the fragile things tightly with packing paper with no room to shift.

The perishables

Do not, we repeat do not store perishables. Plants and food can attract bugs and rodents and lead to unwelcome surprises upon opening doors.

The buddy system

Rely on the buddy system. Don’t be afraid to ask for a friendly hand and call in those favors. Things will go more smoothly, faster and lead to less injuries.

Stay tuned for Part II! If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out. We love to help keep the Sparta, NJ storage process as simple and headache free as possible.


AA1Self Storage provides self storage, storage units, moving storage, and secure storage in Southern, Ogdensburg, New Jersey

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