Help for First Time (or Anytime) Home-Buyers

One of our favorite things is to see the looks on our customer’s faces when they are moving into a new home. First time home-buyers are especially elated, it’s a milestone rooted in the American dream. But, preparing to purchase a new home can be nerve racking process. Here are some things we suggest anyone […]


Decluttering Tips and Tricks the Pros Want You to Know

Posted In Organization Tips

We are in the business of helping people keep their homes free of clutter, but we know that it’s one of those chores that often finds itself put off until another day (and then another, and another…). Even the mere mention of the word “declutter” will have most happy home owners running for the hills. […]


Turning Trash into Treasures Anew

Posted In Fun Stuff

Garage sales are a fun weekend pastime. It all stems from that thrill of uncovering the perfect treasure or that priceless artifact that you didn’t expect. But what of the often ignored junk that gets trashed the next day? Many of those frequently overlooked items are prizes in their own right. All that is needed […]


The 7 Worst Packing/Moving Mistakes (Almost) Everyone Makes

Trust us. We’ve been through enough boxes and have seen enough moves to know the what’s what of packing. Packing up a house, or moving is not something that can be done without any preparation. So if you are forecasting a move here are some things you’ll want to know to avoid, before you start […]


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