6 Tips for Storing Your Bicycle

Did you know that May is National Bike Month? Whether you’re part of the growing number of Americans who bike to work each day, a weekend warrior on the mountain bike trails, or just a casual cyclist, it’s important to make sure your bicycles are stored properly. Taking the time to properly prepare a bicycle for long-term storage will pay off by prolonging your bike’s life and saving you time spent on repairs. 

-Keep It Clean. Before long-term storage, make sure your bike has been cleaned of all accumulated dirt, bugs, and salt. Any debris like that can cause rust to form over time. When you’re biking more frequently, experts recommend cleaning a road bike either monthly or every 20-25 rides. Mountain bikes should be cleaned more often. 

-Raise It Up. Lifting your bike off the ground and hanging it on a rack or hook will do more than clear up floor space. The weight of a bike can cause tires to become misshapen over time. If you’re not able to suspend the bike, at least make sure that tires are always properly inflated to reduce the chance of dead spots from forming on the tires. 

-Bring It In. Storing a bike outdoors for any extended period of time should be a last resort. Visible signs of damage to a bike can become apparent after only a week of being stored outside. Areas that are especially humid or rainy are more likely to cause corrosion in a short amount of time. Rusted chains, broken down rubber parts, and brittle plastic are signs of a bike left outside for too long. 

-Cover It Up. Bike covers are recommended for long-term storage. They keep bikes free of dust and grime and can help to prevent scratches and scrapes from accidentally occurring as stored items may shift over time. 

-Lock It Up. Unfortunately, bikes are often targeted by thieves for their resale value. More than 2 Million bikes are stolen each year in North America. That’s a bike every 30 seconds! If you must lock your bike up outside, steer clear of cable locks, which can be easily broken with wire cutters. U-locks and chain locks are better options. Special rack locks are sold to prevent bikes from being snatched off of car racks as well.

-Consider a self-storage unit. Storing your bike in a climate-controlled storage unit will clear up garage space while avoiding theft and damage that could be caused by unstable temperatures or outdoor storage. AA-1’s climate-controlled units are perfect for your bicycle, tricycle, unicycle, or penny-farthing. Okay, we’ve never stored a penny-farthing but you could be the first!  


AA1Self Storage provides self storage, storage units, moving storage, and secure storage in Southern, Ogdensburg, New Jersey

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