4 Reasons to Be Thankful For an Organized Home

As Thanksgiving approaches, it’s good to take time to reflect on the people and things in our lives that we’re grateful for. Does your home make that list? Is your living space working as best as it possibly could to improve your life? Here are four ways in which an organized, uncluttered home is worthy of your gratitude. 

An organized home frees up time. 

The older we get the more we realize that time is our most valuable resource and there’s no way to make more of it, no matter how hard we try. Who wants to spend that time searching for items, cleaning up constant messes, or running errands to buy things that you probably already have if you could just find them? When everything has a place and there’s a place for everything, cleaning up the house doesn’t take nearly as much time as it used to. And that means more time for family dinners, hobbies, and being creative. 

An organized home saves money. 

The costs of being unorganized can add up quickly. Perishable foods in your fridge or pantry expire before they’re used because you forgot you had them. You find yourself ordering out or grabbing fast food for dinner instead of cooking at home because you’re never sure what ingredients you have. You buy more than you need because you don’t know what you have. And items that haven’t been properly stored are susceptible to damage and decay of all kinds. The money you spend on a Sparta storage unit might end up paying for itself if you’re able to avoid scenarios like that. 

An organized home welcomes others. 

There’s absolutely no rule that says you can’t host guests in a messy home. But try telling that to most of us. Clutter and disorganization can be embarrassing- we put a lot of pressure on ourselves to have the perfect home and convince ourselves we’d be more hospitable if we could just get the mess under control. If you’ve put the time and effort into organizing your home, the thought of hosting others in your space will likely be a lot less stressful. 

An organized home reduces anxiety. 

Speaking of stress, many studies have shown a negative correlation between mental health and messiness. An organized, uncluttered home can help create a calm, restorative space. We’re not saying you need to embrace minimalism. Everyone needs to find their own sweet spot, a space that feels homey but not unmanageable. We all know an evening engaging in a hobby will probably put us in a better headspace than mindlessly scrolling on a phone or streaming another tv show. Organizing everything you need for that hobby- things like sports gear, craft supplies, or baking equipment- will make it easier to quickly engage in it and remove barriers you could otherwise come up against. 

Investing in having an organized home will help you focus on the things that truly matter in life. Remember, the goal isn’t to be Instagram-worthy but to create a space that functions just right for you and your family. So don’t give your limited space at home to items that could be put in a safe, offsite storage unit. Free up some space in your home and we’re sure you’ll be thankful for it.


AA1Self Storage provides self storage, storage units, moving storage, and secure storage in Southern, Ogdensburg, New Jersey

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