8 Tips and Tricks to Help you Survive Your First Move

There comes a time in every person’s life where they must pack a moving truck and head to somewhere new. Whether it be off to school, or into a new house, moving is inevitable. Your first move is not something that can be done without any preparation. Trust us. We’ve seen enough moves in Ogdensburg, NJ to know the what’s what. So, if you are forecasting your first move here a few tips and tricks that will not only help you survive but make the process feel as smooth as if you were a moving expert.

Give Yourself Time

The moving experts (and by that, we mean us) recommend using an eight-week plan, to help your moving and packing go as smoothly as possible. Of course, that is an ideal moving situation, but the rule is the more time the better.

Sort First, Pack Second

As soon as the thought of moving enters your head, you should probably consider purging. Do you really want to spend your valuable packing time deciding what to do with those Christmas decorations in the back of the closet, which you haven’t touched in five years? Decide what to pack, store, or donate before you bring in the boxes.

Pack a Survival Kit

you pull up to your new digs in the moving truck, ready to take in the beauty of your new home. Just as soon as you use the restroom. “Uh, honey where did we pack the toilet paper?” Pack a box with the essential things that you will need for your first day in your new home. Cleaning supplies, toilet paper, toiletries, kitchen utensils, even a change of clothes.

Label Everything

The first major thing to remember is that labels are your friend. Every box or bag you pack to put into the truck should have a label with your name, phone number, and address on it in case they get lost or mixed up on the way to the final destination.

Utilize Your Storage Unit

One of the biggest struggles, of a first move is trying to make your new place feel like home. The only way this can be achieved is to have as much of your life as possible put into your new place of living. Our Sparta, New Jersey storage facility can help you accomplish this. All you need to do is gather up your possessions and store them for safekeeping until you’re ready for them to come out and make an appearance in your new home.

These first-timer moving tips will go a long way in helping you keep your sanity during the transition. And remember if you can’t fit it all in your new accommodations, we have a self-storage place for you to store it.


AA1Self Storage provides self storage, storage units, moving storage, and secure storage in Southern, Ogdensburg, New Jersey

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